App of the Month – LastPass
Do you know what the 3 most common passwords were in 2013? 123456 password 12345678 Why would anyone use a password that is so easily overcome by someone trying to hack into their account? Simple. We have too many passwords that we need to live in our online lives. Websites, programs, computers, phones…. There are so many times a day we need passwords sometimes it’s just easier to put in something anyone can remember. Raise your hand if you have a pad of paper somewhere with a bunch of websites and passwords all written down, scratched out and re-written because you couldn’t remember a password and had to reset it. Again. I started using LastPass years ago and have never looked back. I don’t use it on my phone or iPad, but it is a vital part of my daily life so I think it makes a great App of the Month. LastPass is a freeware password manager (there is a premium version too) that helps you keep track of all of your passwords. It will even keep your passwords ready for you on multiple computers if you use more than one. Once you’ve signed up for a LastPass account and installed the app, LastPass will ask you every time you log into a website if you would like it to remember your password. Now, most browsers will do this already, but if you use more than one browser, or computer, LastPass will keep all of your passwords unified across all of them. LastPass keeps your passwords in your LastPass Vault and can automatically fill in your information the next time...