Captured Memories Videography
Captured Memories Videography is a company that does wedding and event videography all over Central Oregon. Since pictures don’t say enough, they have tons of video samples on their website. They have examples of weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Quincaneras and more. We set up YouTube and Vimeo video channels for them so they have a place to show off all of their videos.
In addition to videography, they handle a lot of different photo and video services as well including DVD video transfers, photo slideshows and projector/sound system rentals.
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Videos Page
YouTube Channel
Search Engine Optimization
Date Published

Website Design

Search Engine Optimization

Website Maintenance

YouTube Channel
YouTube Channel
Does your business have a lot of videos that they want to share with people on-line? If so, YouTube is a fantastic place to show all of your videos in one place. Setting up a YouTube channel gives your videos a professional style and layout for your visitors to watch them. There are other reasons why hosting your videos on YouTube is better than uploading them directly to your website. Embedding from YouTube is quick and easy. YouTube embeds are also easier to get to play on all platforms, from computers to smart phones, than hosting them on your own website.