Website Design Blog

Homeland Security says stop using Internet Explorer
Security exploit found in Internet Explorer
Over the weekend a vulnerability was found in Internet Explorer and is serious enough that the Department of Homeland Security has advised users of Internet Explorer versions 6-11 to stop using it until a security patch is developed. read more…

Which Web Browser Do You Use?
There are many different web browser options out there today that can be used on Windows and Mac computers. Like anything in life they each have their pros and cons. All of them will let you browse the internet, watch some videos on Youtube and keep up with your friends on Facebook. How they do all of these things can vary from browser to browser however.
So which browser do you use? read more…

New website launched for Iron Rider TV
A website about motorcycle culture and the “ride life.”
Iron Rider TV is an upcoming TV show about motorcycles, their riders and their culture. The show is designed to show the many, diverse types of people who live the “ride life” and their many different cultures. Their website explains what the show is about and has bio pages for each of the different members of the crew. read more…

App of the Month – Skitch
If a simple screenshot app is what you’re looking for, then Skitch is the answer.
A big part of web design is getting the layout right. Sometimes it’s easier to take a quick picture of a page and mark it up with the revisions to send to a client. Using a Mac, taking screenshots and marking them up can be easily done right through Preview. A lot of people don’t know that a quick Shift-CMD-3 will take a full screen snapshot or that Shift-CMD-4 will let you use crosshairs to select the part of the screen you want to capture. If you didn’t know that, well now you do. It’s quick and easy. It will also litter your desktop with screenshots. read more…
Happy Valentine’s Day
Just a fun little Valentine’s card I made for my kids. Try clicking around to see what happens.
Did you find the message?

App of the Month – LastPass
Do you know what the 3 most common passwords were in 2013?
- 123456
- password
- 12345678
Why would anyone use a password that is so easily overcome by someone trying to hack into their account? Simple. We have too many passwords that we need to live in our online lives. Websites, programs, computers, phones…. There are so many times a day we need passwords sometimes it’s just easier to put in something anyone can remember. read more…

App of the Month – SwiftKey
There are certain apps and programs that I use daily and can’t imagine living without, so I’ve decided to share some of my favorites. For the first of my “App of the Month” posts I picked the keyboard app for Android phones and tablets called SwiftKey.
Not everyone knows it but you can change keyboards in Android if you don’t like the stock keyboard. In fact, you can customize almost every aspect of an Android phone to your liking. Having come from an iPhone (that I loved) this was a welcome change. I still use my iPad daily but really dislike the stock keyboard. Especially since I came across SwiftKey. read more…

Web video for Animal Emergency Center of Central Oregon
In our post last month we showed pictures of the website we redesigned for the Animal Emergency Center of Central Oregon. We just finished the web video we produced for them to give people a behind the scenes look at their facility, staff and specialized equipment. For their video we filmed the clinic during a typical day so you can see their doctors in action.
Check it out:
Web videos are a great way to give people a better view of your business. Pictures are great but videos are more informative, interactive and can really grab your visitors attention. Contact us today to have a web video produced for your business. Your web video can be made from photos or video you already have, or we can film it for you. We have a professional videographer that will film your business, or product, with our High-Definition video cameras.

Optimized Images = Faster Website
Having great looking pictures on your website is important. Too many large pictures and graphics however, can really slow down your website. Most digital cameras and smartphones these days take pictures that are much larger than necessary for web use. If you plan on using your pictures online you should definitely do some optimizing first. read more…

Animal Emergency Center Website Refresh
The Animal Emergency Center from Bend, Oregon already had a website, but it was in need of a little work. The website was about 5 years old and some of the information was outdated so it was time to do some updating. With the original website design, they would have needed to know how to edit the HTML files to make updates. To make sure this didn’t happen again, part of our redesign included a design that allows them to go in and make updates on their own if they want. read more…